The Tomball Redcats & SophistiKats Booster Club is one of ten organizations that comprise
the All American Youth Football & Drill Team (AAYFDT) league.
How to Support Redcats & SophistiKats
Each Tomball Redcat & SophistiKat participant is required to participate in the chosen fundraiser. This can either be via a 'buyout' where a check is written to cover the amount, or by participating in the organization's fundraising activity. Specific instructions, order forms, and deadlines will be provided prior to the season starting.
For parents who do not wish to take the $150 buyout at registration, we will offer the opportunity to sell Trash Bags or Candy. Each participant will need to sell a minimum of $150.00. Order forms are due back by end July. Once orders are final, the buyout of $150 will be required.
How the fundraiser will work: At the time of registration, participants will pick up their order forms. Participants will sell their items and collect the money at the time of purchase. Money will be due on a date TBD. A Group order will be placed for the club and will be handed out on a date TBD, once season starts.
Specific instructions, order forms, and deadlines will be provided at registration

Sponsorship Packages
Download the PDF form. Please mail form and check to: Tomball Redcats & SophistiKats PO Box 1048 Tomball, Texas 77377
Name on Group Banner Posted at Home Game, Social Media Advertising, Announcement at Home Games
Name on Group Banner Posted at Home Game, Social Media Advertising, Announcement at Home Games, Team Plaque
Name on Group Banner Posted at Home Game, Social Media Advertising, Announcement at Home Games, Team Plaque, Holiday Parade Participation, Company Logo on player roster shirt.
*Anything received after September 30th will be applied to the following season*
Checks payable to: All American Youth Football
Tomball Redcats & SophistiKats
PO Box 1048
Tomball, Texas 77377
For questions email:
Registration 2024
It's time for a new season and we are ready to win! I would like to invite you to be part of one of the best teams in town. Get your family ready for a year full of life-time experiences.