Online Registration

Welcome to the pack! We are so happy to have you here.

Please follow the instructions below and start your registration process.


Registration Link

What you will need:

Flag Football


Registration Fee


Fundraising Fee


Volunteer HOLD Check*


*This is given back to parents at the end of the season when all required volunteer hours have been completed by parent

TACKLE (Fr, So, Jr, Sr)


Registration Fee


Fundraising Fee


Equipment FEE


Volunteer HOLD Check* (2)


Equipment FEE Volunteer HOLD Check* (2)


*(1) This is given back to parents at the end of the season when all equipment is returned to club

*(2) This is given back to parents at the end of the season when all required volunteer hours have been completed by parent

All participants will have to provide the following documentation:

• Copy of birth certificate

• Utility bill showing physical address where participant is residing

• Latest school report

Registration 2023

It's time for a new season and we are ready to win! I would like to invite you to be part of one of the best teams in town. Get your family ready for a year full of life-time experiences.