The Tomball Redcats & SophistiKats Booster Club is one of ten organizations that comprise
the All American Youth Football & Drill Team (AAYFDT) league.
Drill Team – Mascots, Juniors and Seniors
$200.00 Registration Fee
$200.00 Equipment HOLD Check (this is given back to parents at the end of the season when all equipment is returned to club)
$250.00 Volunteer HOLD Check (this is given back to parents at the end of the season when all required volunteer hours have been completed by parent)
Drill Teams
Drill Team Mascots is offered to players ages 3-5 years old.
*Must be potty trained and 3 year old must turn 4 by December 31st. (must have at least 3 members to have a mascot team)
Practices are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm during non-game season and only on Thursday evenings same time during game season.
Drill Team Juniors is offered to players in 1st-3rd grade
Practices are held on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm during non-game season and then drop Monday evenings during game season.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Drill Team Seniors is offered to players in 4th-6th grade
• Practice shirts (2)
• Team Issued Water Jug
• Bloomers
• Competition Costume
• Personalized bow
Volunteer and fundraising efforts required
All participants will have to provide the following documentation:
• Copy of birth certificate
• Utility bill showing physical address where participant is residing
• Latest school report
Extra Items to purchase
• Game Day Uniform
• Game Day Socks & Shoes - white no show socks and white tennis shoes
• Black practice shorts
Registration 2024
It's time for a new season and we are ready to win! I would like to invite you to be part of one of the best teams in town. Get your family ready for a year full of life-time experiences.